Deposits::Competition: Weave the Green Carpet of Isparta

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Competition: Weave the Green Carpet of Isparta

Author t-lab
Monday, August 4, 2014

nternational project INSPIRECO invites you to design your own trip to the Turkish region of Isparta. The winner will travel to Isparta where they will experience a part of the adventure they have designed.

The proposed trip should take place in the Isparta region of Turkey. It should be 3 days/2 nights long. The focus of the trip is ecotourism, hence Isparta's key ecotourism advantages must be depicted. Traveller must visit at least one national park and enjoy two experiences; one lake-related and one carpet-related. Additionally, silver lining of the ecotrip must be the famous Isparta rose.

Deadline for submission of solutions in English language: 6 October 2014.

More information in the attachment.

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The following form should be used when submitting ideas. Other types of deposits can be written in any form.

  • analysis of current state in Slovenian or Italian tourism to support the idea


  • comparison to foreign countries and markets


  • basic idea


  • further steps (incl. human resources, time resources, money resources required)


  • conditions to be met in Slovenian or Italian tourism and in your team for the idea to succeed


  • added value (from your point of view and users' point of view)


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