Deposits::Back-from-holiday syndrome? That’s how we get over

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Back-from-holiday syndrome? That’s how we get over

Author Barcheyacht
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Back in the 80s, Righeira (a successful band from Turin, Italy) launched a late summer, nostalgic hit titled “L’estate sta finendo” going like this: “summer is just about over, another year is passing by”. Today, almost 30 years down the road, some Italian social network users still keep linking it towards the end of August in an attempt to share a certain emotional discomfort aka the back-from-holiday syndrome.
Every year we try to push back a homecoming, routine-related melancholia in an awful lot of ways. Some of us plug away at reorganizing holiday photos and videos: folders, subdirectories, tags, filters, social network uploads and special albums to be shared with friends. We have done so, too. We have had great fun using downloaded Apps and programs  such as Studio Design, an elegant and refined App to give your photos a glamorous graphic design touch or Drop’n Roll, a video editing App intended for dummies.
Some, however, don’t even want to watch photos of relaxing, seaside days to prevent the melancholia effect from taking over.
According to a French research published a few days ago in Le Monde, the back-from-holiday syndrome is best overcome by reading.
After all, books are undoubtedly among the most powerful means of escapism. Then, how about setting off again with a literary character? Say Robinson Crusoe, if we’re up for surprising, extraordinary adventures… or Jerome, Harris and George, the weirdos off “Three men in a boat”.
Should you have more tips on how to ease the homecoming melancholia, drop us a line!
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