Deposits::Souvenirs made of sandstone

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Souvenirs made of sandstone

Author Alexa
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The idea is to use domestic sandstone material from the local area which originates from the nearby hill Sedovec in the municipality Šmarje pri Jelšah. When a souvenir contains a story or a legend, it`s added value increases. We propose making souvenirs for pilgrims, with a hint of late Baroque and Rococo art - the time when the chapels and the church of St. Rok were constructed. Some   souvenirs for pilgrims could include: small magnets, mini sculptures of chapels, candle holders with various carved motives, the cross, angels, etc. For other visitors, we suggest the following souvenirs: decorative bowls and paintings also with various carved motives or printed paintings of scenes from the chapels, etc. Additionally, other useful products can be made from this material which can easily be used for designing.  Tourists, pilgrims and travellers would thus take with them memories and a souvenir of a symbolic value. The museum will also feature presentation of a restoration process; we therefore therefore believe that the use of this material for souvenirs is sensible.

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