Deposits::First boat holiday

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First boat holiday

Author Barcheyacht
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Going on a sailboat cruise is most people’s dream. For it to materialize, it is important to be well prepared to make the most of it. Set to the right frame of mind and it’s going to be a unique and moving experience.
Sea life novices are recommended to choose rather a short cruise to understand whether this type of holiday is what they wish for and whether they are cut out for it. Also, it is advisable they turn to a specialized charter company and opt for a charter boat with an experienced skipper not only to steer the boat and guarantee passengers' safety but also to suggest best destinations as he knows the bays and beaches located on the cruise route.
Also keep in mind that spending your holidays on a boat may entail a few downsides in terms of comfort: onboard spaces are usually limited (charter boats are normally 10 to 12m long) and luggage needs to be suitable, so make sure you take the bare necessities and pack it in soft suitcases to easily fit in onboard lockers.
On the same note, remember that life onboard requires sharing limited spaces with people you don't know who have chartered the boat on your same period.
For your dream holiday not to turn into a nightmare, make a sincere self-evaluation to understand whether you will be able to spend much time in very close contact with strangers who might have totally different habits. Chartering a boat as a group, with people you are familiar and get on well with may be a solution.
The advantage of choosing a short cruise is that it allows you to understand whether sea life is your cup of tea and find out whether you suffer from seasickness, which is why a first cruise on calm seas in summer is preferable. Calm sea areas are those featuring jagged coasts and archipelagos to guarantee better wind protection. Croatia and Ionic Greece, for instance, are excellent first cruise destinations also because summer weather is nice most of the time.
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